Photoshop tutorial : Making collage of a Image

                                                         Photoshop tutorial : Making collage of a Image

                                                          Click Here- Photoshop tutorial : Making collage of a Image

Making collage of a image . Sounds tough ! Doesn't it ? Well its not tough at all but ya its little time taking . Time taking but easy in my opinion to make collage of a image . But if you are quick on PS you can easily make collage in 5 minutes .

Colleage of an image is one of my favourite image effects cause not only its easy it gives a awesome effect your picture . Once again I used Abode Photoshop CS6 to make it but it can be made with any version .

                                                               Step by step way of doing it is in the Video tutorial .

                                                                        Feel free to comment for any questions .


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